
CurriculumAll students at Menzies CS are offered a well-rounded curriculum based on the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline Early Years Learning Framework.


There are 8 learning areas; English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities & Social Sciences, The Arts, Technologies, Health & Physical Education and Languages.



The Pre-primary to Year 10 Western Australian curriculum provides a comprehensive set of prescribed content and achievement standards which schools will use to plan student learning programs, assess student progress and report to parents.


The Western Australian curriculum encompasses ACARA's Australian curriculum English, Mathematics and Science. In addition, year-level syllabuses for Humanities and Social Sciences, Health and Physical Education, Technologies, The Arts and Languages remain broadly consistent with the Australian curriculum but have been contextualised to make them more suitable for Western Australian

students and teachers.


View the Western Australian Curriculum



The Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines reinforce the themes of the Authority's Kindergarten and Pre-primary Statement for Western Australia and the Guiding Principles for Western Australian schools outlined in the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline.


The purpose of these Guidelines is to facilitate the optimal learning and development of Kindergarten children in Western Australia. The Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines draw on the principles, practice and outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework to focus on the Kindergarten year in Western Australia.


The Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines guide educators to develop kindergarten curriculum for Western Australian children. The guidelines draw from the key ideas and related content from the EYLF to construct curriculum to ensure that all children in Kindergarten experience quality teaching and learning.


Kindergarten children are connected to family, community, culture and place. Their learning takes place through these relationships. As children participate in everyday life, they develop interests and construct their own identities and understandings of the world.

View the Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines


ACARAAll teachers from both Menzies CS and SIDE follow the Australian Curriculum.  Year 1-6 teachers report against the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards. Achievement standards are comprised of a written description and student work samples. The achievement standard describes the expected achievement for students who have been taught the curriculum content for the full year of schooling.


All teachers at Menzies CS collaborate with colleagues internally and externally to examine student work samples and discuss collaborative assessment tasks to assist in determining allocation of grades for semester reports. Together, the description of the achievement standard and the online work samples help teachers to make informed judgements about whether students have achieved the standard.


Teachers continue to use a range and variety of assessment information collected throughout the year to determine a final grade for the purpose of reporting to parents. If you have any questions please see your child’s classroom teacher.


Click on the following links to read the Learning Area Achievement Standards in English, Maths, Science, Health & Physical Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, The Arts and Technologies for each year level from Pre-primary to Year 6

Download Achievement on a page – Foundation
Download Achievement on a page – Year 1
Download Achievement on a page – Year 2
Download Achievement on a page – Year 3
Download Achievement on a page – Year 4
Download Achievement on a page – Year 5
Download Achievement on a page – Year 6


This document reflects the School’s values and beliefs about Maths and English.

Download the School’s values and beliefs about Maths and English


Counting-on-you-update1Maths is more than numbers.

It also involves shapes, direction, position and measuring.

You can help your child build their confidence and develop strong maths skills by including fun and easy activities into your child’s daily routine. Support from you at home can often make the difference between your child enjoying or being scared of maths at school.

Remember – your child is counting on you and the little ‘lessons’ will really add up!
Discover simple ways to encourage your child’s understanding of maths.

For more information on how you can help your child with maths view the resources described below.


Kindergarten to Year 3: Counting on you
This information is for parents/carers of children from Kindergarten to Year 3 to help them as they discover and learn about maths.

Download Kindergarten to Year 3: Counting on you


Kindergarten to Year 3: A quick guide to helping your child with math
Support for parents/carers helping their children with learning maths.

Download Kindergarten to Year 3: A quick guide to helping your child with math


Years 4 to 6 – A quick guide to helping your child with math
Discover simple ways to encourage your child with their maths.

Download Years 4 to 7 – A quick guide to helping your child with math


D09-Raising-a-reader-booklet-2009-v4 (1)Raising a confident reader.

Watching your child become a confident reader and sharing the journey with them is a wonderful experience. A large part of our everyday life depends on reading.

Helping your child to read will open their minds to a whole range of topics.

There are many ways you can help your child build their confidence and develop strong reading skills every day. One of the easiest and most valuable things you can do at home is to read to your child and show them how much fun you can have when you read.

Discover simple ways to encourage your child’s reading.


For more information on how you can help your child with reading view the resources described below.


Kindergarten to Year 3 – A quick guide to helping your child with reading
Discover simple ways to encourage your child with their reading.

Download Kindergarten to Year 3 – A quick guide to helping your child with reading


Kindergarten to Year 3: Raising a reader- Helping your child learn to read
Discover more way you can help your child with their reading.

Download Kindergarten to Year 3: Raising a reader- Helping your child learn to read


Years 4 to 6 – A quick guide to helping your child with reading
Discover simple ways to encourage your child with their reading.

Download Years 4 to 6 – A quick guide to helping your child with reading


Years 4 to 6: Raising a reader continues
Download a copy of Raising a reader continues: Years 4 to 6.

Download Years 4 to 6 – A quick guide to helping your child with math


910B-At-home-with-spelling-v5Knowing your A, B, C’s.

Children learn about words through experiences such as reading books and seeing words in and around your home and community. As a parent, you play an important role in shaping how your child feels about spelling. You can help your child gain confidence and skills with letters, words and spelling by playing fun games at home.

Discover simple ways to encourage your child with their spelling.

Explore the shapes of letters, and the sounds and words they make with some fun activities for you and your child in the quick guides described below.


Kindergarten to Year 3 – A quick guide to helping your child with writing and spelling
Discover simple ways to encourage your child with their writing and spelling.

Download Kindergarten to Year 3 – A quick guide to helping your child with writing and spelling


Kindergarten to Year 3: At home with spelling – Helping your child learn to spell
Discover little ways you can help your child with their spelling.

Download Kindergarten to Year 3: At home with spelling – Helping your child learn to spell


DT28350-Science_WEBFor more information on how you can help your child with science view the resources described below.


Exploring STEM at home K-2
This booklet has activities you can do at home with your children to support their learning in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths)

Download Exploring STEM at home K-2


Fun with science Years 4 to 6 Inspiring curiosity in your child
For parents/carers of children in Years 4 to 6. Learn with your child and find out the answers. This booklet has ideas about how to help your child become interested in science and how things happen. It also has some easy and fun experiments to spark the whole family’s interest in science.

Download Fun with science Years 4 to 6 Inspiring curiosity in your child