

Kindergarten Enrolments for 2023 are now open!

If your child is four years old by 30 June 2023 you can apply to enrol them in Kindergarten for 2023. At the time of enrolment your child will need to have an ‘up to date’ AIR immunisation history statement. Enrolment packs are available at the Front Office or can be downloaded using the link below.


New Enrolments

All new students are required to complete an application for enrolment from for either Primary or Secondary and Form 1 Student healthcare summary which can be collected from the front office or downloaded using the link below. Students enrolling in Kindergarten should also complete the additional information for students enrolling in Kindergarten form.

A copy of your child’s birth certificate, their immunisation records and proof of address and ID must be provided at the time of the enrolment.


The enrolment form must be competed in full with at least one alternative contact for your child, in the event of an accident or illness. It is important to keep enrolment details up to date, as well as emergency addresses and contacts. If any of your details change, please notify the front office as soon as possible on 9027 5700.


Once all forms are completed and returned with appropriate paperwork, a meeting will be organised with our Principal.


On 22 July 2019, changes to the Public Health Act 2016 (WA) and the School Education Act 1999 (WA), came into effect. This will better protect young and vulnerable WA children and the wider community from vaccine-preventable diseases. Under these new changes, the child’s immunisation status must be ‘up-to-date’ according to their AIR Immunisation History Statement to be permitted to enrol into kindergarten. Please find relevant information below:


Application for Enrolment (Primary)

Application for Enrolment (Secondary)

Enrolment form

Form 1 Student healthcare summary

Attachment 2 – Consent forms

Additional information for students enrolling in Kindergarten form

Immunisation – Parent support and consent form

School Bus Services application form

Ear Bus Consent Form

Additional Information



Enrolling in school


School Age

 This will be able to determine what grade your child will be in.

School age calculator