Menzies Community School was founded in 1896 and is located 130 kilometres north of Kalgoorlie-Boulder.
The school has been steadily preparing for the future enrolment expansion in early childhood education for the past two years.
The classrooms are named after animals that are indigenous to the area. Our K–2 pupils are in Yilpa, named after the goanna. Our Years 3-6 children attend Wanampi, named after the snake, while our Years 7–12 students, who are enrolled in high school courses through the School of Isolated and Distance Education, attend Marlu, which is named after the kangaroo.
In addition to students from Menzies Township, some students commute daily from Morapoi Station by bus.
All of our staff members—teachers, Aboriginal and Islander Education Officers, Education Assistants, and custodians—have high expectations for every student at MCS, wanting them to reach their full potential in the classroom and be well-equipped to continue their education after high school, enter the workforce, or pursue further training or employment.
Priority is placed on literacy and numeracy, and these subject areas use clear teaching strategies.
At Menzies, we concentrate on providing learning opportunities that are attentive to students' unique needs and to their cultural and social contexts.
Pukulpa Nintirrinkula, which translates as Happy Learning, is our motto.
I look forward to the future with conviction, hope, and great expectations.
Megan Irving